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ServiceNow CIS-CSM Practice Exam Dumps 2023

If you are planning to take the ServiceNow CIS-CSM exam, then you must be familiar with the fact that it is not an easy certification to obtain. The exam requires comprehensive knowledge of ServiceNow Customer Service Management and its various components. To help you prepare for the exam, Certspots has released its latest ServiceNow CIS-CSM Practice Exam Dumps which are designed to help you understand the exam structure, types of questions and how to approach them. Using these CIS-CSM practice exam dumps, you can get an idea of what to expect in the real exam and improve your chances of passing it with flying colours. So, what are you waiting for? Get your hands on Certspots’ ServiceNow CIS-CSM Practice Exam Dumps 2023 today and start your exam preparation.

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1. The available case types are: (Choose two.)

2. Which of the following are best practice with regard to data imports? (Choose two.)

3. What should be part of the pre-engagement collateral?

4. Which of the following is a condition for matching rules?

5. What role does the Engagement Manager play before the Workshop? (Choose two.)

6. Which feature enables you to quickly identify high-priority tasks based on multiple dimensions, not just by a single field value like priority?

7. The ServiceNow Communities feature is only available for customers with ServiceNow Customer Services Management licenses.

8. To which entities can Special Handling Notes be applied out of the box?

9. Which of the following roles cannot update a consumer’s record?

10. Out-of-the-box, the consumer support portal (/csp) CANNOT be used for which one of the following actions?



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